Rules for submission and handling of complaints of users of insurance services of Cargofort Ltd

Rules for submission and handling of complaints of users of insurance services of Cargofort Ltd

General provisions

  1. The Rules for submission and handling of complaints of users of insurance services of Cargofort Ltd (the Rules) define the organization for handling complaints: submission, processing and response to complaints of users of insurance services, in accordance with Article 290, paragraph 1 of the Insurance Code.
  2. The purpose of the Rules is to organise the process of managing complaints of users of insurance services submitted to Cargofort Insurance Broker Ltd (the Company) in a fair, efficient and appropriate manner.
  3. General:

3.1. Complaint – a written request made by a User or User Organisation to the Insurance Broker in which the User states that his/her rights or legitimate interests relating to the insurance services provided by the Broker or the contracts entered into have been violated and requests that his/her requirements be met.

3.2. Complaint Handling – the activities of the Broker’s employees, including receiving and logging complaints, investigating and determining the problem, preparing a response and providing it to the Service User.

3.3. Complaints Register – a log in which all User complaints received directly from the User, at the Broker’s address, by post or by email are recorded.

Filing complaints

  1. The user or a person expressly authorized by him with a notarized power of attorney may file a complaint free of charge, in the following ways:

4.1. at the central office of the Company at. 1.  4. In this case, the complainant shall be given a copy of the complaint filed by him with an incoming number.

4.2. by sending an email to In this case, the complainant shall be sent an email with the incoming complaint number stating the deadline for responding to the complaint.

  1. The complaint should contain the complainant’s details, contact details, a detailed description of the subject matter of the complaint, the complainant’s grievance, the policy, application or claim relevant to the subject matter of the complaint, other documents and information at the complainant’s discretion. The absence of any of these particulars shall not render the complaint inadmissible unless contact details of the complainant are provided.
  2. Where the complaint relates to a failure to comply with the obligations or deficiencies in the activities of another distributor of insurance services for which the Company is not responsible, the Company shall forward the complaint to the distributor of insurance services to which it relates, if this can be ascertained from its content, and inform the complainant in writing of the forwarding of his complaint, providing him with information on the distributor of insurance products concerned. Where the complaint does not identify the insurance distributor to which it relates, the Company shall specify this in the written information to the complainant and return the complaint to the complainant.

Handling and processing of complaints

  1. The complaint of the Service User shall be processed in accordance with Article 290, paragraph 2 of the Insurance Code.
  2. All incoming complaints shall be recorded with a unique incoming number and date in the Company’s complaints register. The following data shall be entered in the register:

– the name of the natural person or the name of the legal entity;

– address and other contact details provided in the complaint – postal address, email, telephone;

– the date and manner of receipt of the complaint, the name of the official who received the complaint;

– the subject matter of the complaint and a summary of the complainant’s allegations and claims;

– information on policy and type of insurance, if applicable

– the date and outgoing number of the reply to the complaint;

– a summary of the contents of the reply to the complaint;

– a brief description of the consequences of the complaint (including whether there has been a change in the Company’s practice, action taken, etc.);

– information on the archiving of the complaint file.

  1. The Company does not register or consider anonymous signals and complaints.
  2. The officer receiving the complaint shall notify the manager of the complaint received.
  3. The Manager shall consider and respond to the complaint within one month of the complaint being registered with the Company. The insurance service user shall be notified of the outcome of the complaint at the postal or electronic address provided by the insurance service user. In the event that further information is required in order for the Company to rule on the complaint, the Company shall inform the complainant thereof at the e-mail or postal address provided by the complainant.

11.1. In handling complaints, the Company shall be guided by the following principles – fairness, timeliness, identification and prevention of conflicts of interest.

11.2. The Manager shall be given access to all information necessary to investigate the complaint and all employees of the Company shall assist him/her as necessary.

  1. Service user complaints, materials, documents relating to the handling of such complaints and the response provided shall be processed and stored in accordance with the statutory requirements for the processing of personal data and the Company’s Internal Data Protection Rules.
  2. Service user complaints, materials, documents related to the handling of these complaints and the response provided shall be kept for no less than 5 years from the date of the last response to the Customer.

Final provisions

  1. These rules are publicly available at and shall be made available to the user of insurance services upon request.
  2. The complainant has the right to lodge a complaint against the Company with the Financial Supervision Commission at the address: 16, Budapest Street and on the website:, as well as with other state authorities.
  3. If the dispute is not settled amicably or through other means of out-of-court dispute settlement, the dispute shall be resolved by the competent court, in accordance with Bulgarian law.