Insurance Consumer Information Under Article 325 of the Insurance Code

Information for consumers of insurance services pursuant to Article 325 of the Insurance Code

“CARGOFORT” Ltd. with registered office and management address: Sofia 1606, Krasno Selo district, ul. Sv. Georgi Sofiyski 38-40, fl.2, app. 4, UIC 206388476 is an insurance broker, registered by decision No. 641-ZB/31.08.2021 in the register of insurance brokers maintained by the Financial Supervision Commission on the basis of Article 30, paragraph 1, item 12 of the FCSB. You can check this fact at the Financial Supervision Commission, 1000 Sofia, ul. Budapest 16, headquarters: 02 94 04 999, fax: 02 829 43 24, email: or on its website

CARGOFORT Ltd. does not own directly or through related parties more than 10 per cent of the votes in the general meeting or of the capital of an insurer. No insurer or parent company of an insurer holds more than 10 per cent of the votes in the general meeting or of the shares in the capital of CARGOFORT Ltd.

Complaints in relation to the services provided by CARGOFORT Ltd. or for other reasons may be submitted to the manager, Mr. Marian Atanasov, at the following address Sofia 1606, Krasno Selo district, ul. Georgi Sofiyski 38-40, fl. 2, app. 4 or to e-mail The complaint must state the complainant’s name, personal identification number, telephone number and address for contact. CARGOFORT Ltd. undertakes to reply to your complaint within 10 (ten) days of receipt at the address you have provided. You can find more information about submitting and handling complaints at the following link.

Complaints against CARGOFORT Ltd. and its employees may be filed with the Financial Supervision Commission, Insurance Supervision Department at the following address. Budapest 16 Str or by e-mail to

In the event of an unresolved dispute with CARGOFORT Ltd., any consumer of insurance services may also apply to the Sectoral Conciliation Commission (SCC) for the settlement of disputes in the field of insurance and insurance intermediation by submitting an application in writing to the Commission for Consumer Protection ( at the following addresses. ( The Consumer and Consumer Protection and Consumer Insurance Commission shall apply to the Consumer and Consumer Protection Commission at the following address: 1000 Sofia Pl. Slaveykov № 4A, tel. 02/ 9330 588; e-mail:

CARGOFORT Ltd. has the right to accept or refuse the examination of the dispute by the SPC. In case we accept, you should know that the proceedings are free of charge for the parties and are held in absentia. The written conciliation proposal of the JCC to resolve the dispute is not binding, but must be approved by both parties in order to have the force of an agreement between them.

CARGOFORT Ltd. does not carry out insurance mediation on behalf of an insurer, but represents users of insurance services.

CARGOFORT Ltd., subject to the conditions provided for by applicable law, provides advice in its capacity as an insurance broker regarding the insurance products it distributes pursuant to Article 325a(5) of the Insurance Code – based on a fair and personal analysis.

CARGOFORT Ltd. determines the requirements and needs of the client and its advice regarding the user of insurance services for a specific insurance only on the basis of the information provided by the client in writing to determine its insurance interest.

CARGOFORT Ltd. provides the user of insurance services with an information document for an insurance product.

In sufficient time before the conclusion of an insurance contract, the insurance broker CARGOFORT Ltd. discloses the relevant information to the users of insurance services.

The nature of the remuneration that CARGOFORT Ltd receives for providing its intermediary services is a commission included in the insurance premium of the insurance contracts concluded with its intermediary and is paid by the insurance company.